🤓 Post Foundations Reflections 🤓

Three things i learned aboout myself

1. I need to be less independent in my working style and make a more conscious effort to connect with others around me.

2. My mindset has been quite fixed towards learning for quite some time; it is taking some time but my mindset is starting to shift towards a growth space.

3. My tendency to procrastinate is still very strong, I learned that I can overcome it with discipline and goal setting.

Values, Empathy & Self-Awarness in Programming

Understanding our values allows us to remain consistent under pressure or scrutiny, this allows us to hold true to ourselves and what we are trying to achieve.

Having empathy for ourselves and others is very important in programming as it is a learning journey in itself. Being able to contextualize a problem and understand with empathy how you or someone else has approached it helps productivity and motivation.

Self-awareness plays an important role in knowing your limitations, it allows us to understand where we are at in terms of solving a problem or on our learning journey. It also plays a key role in understanding how we approach interactions with those around us, having awareness of how our behaviour and words impact others is very important.

What Suprised Me Most About Core Learning

I wasn’t expecting the core learning aspect at all coming into Dev Academy, so the core learning itself was a surprise. The part that really surprised me was the neuroplasticity component, the principles made a lot of sense to me and I have already started to incorporate them into my day to day life and learning.

What Challenged Me Most About Core Learning

The introspective thought process was a bit of a slow burner for me, at times I found myself deep in thought trying to process my thoughts before writing anything down.

Why Do I think Dev Academy Focuses Heavily on Core Learning

I think it is amazing that Dev Academy does spend time on this nature of learning, the reason being that we as humans need to understand ourselves within the environments we find ourselves in. For example, being able to work productively in a team is a hugely important aspect of being an effective programmer/professional.

Was It All a Waste of Time?

I found the core learning very useful; I had touched on aspects of the content in my time at Vodafone but the core content really took it a step further and helped to cement the principles. The content enabled me to take a look at my mindset and the things that have been holding me back in my career, I am now ready to make the changes necessary to be more fulfilled and succesful going forward.