🔮 Problem Solving 🔮

Simple Problem

Whilst applying CSS(Styling) to my blog website, I couldn't seem to get a picture to resize no matter what I tried doing. I had applied a selector(id) to the picture so I could apply some settings to it, but the settings would not apply.

I re-read through the CSS several times, I googled for solutions, I used the dev tools in the browser to see what settings were being applied to the picture but was still left confused as to why my settings were not being applied correctly.

I was having a feeling of frustration as I knew the answer should be very obvious, and it was. Once I uncovered the mistake I was able to quickly fix it, it was a simple syntax error (ID selectors in CSS need to be pre-cursored with a '#' as opposed to a '.' for class selectors)

I learned that paying attention to finer details whilst coding will save time up front, I also reminded myself of the importance of applying Occam's Razor ( Start with the most simple and obvious) when seeking a solution.

Elegant Solution

I wouldn't be able to draw upon any elegant solutions that I have come up with so far at Dev Academy. One from my career was a solution I came up with to help standardize a process that was time-consuming and inconsistent.

My team was tasked with performing technical and customer health checks on a nightly basis for one of our customers who were having repeat issues with their call center solutions, the team was having to manually call 5 separate parties to ask the same question, then format and send out an email to all stakeholders advising of the results.

I looked at the process and used my understanding to identify some efficiencies that could be driven, I brainstormed some possible solutions and then went away to test which ones would work. I spoke with the customers and organized a repeat conference call which would occur at the same time each night, this meant that our staff only had to dial in once and wait for the call centers around the country to dial in with their health check. I also implemented an automated form that the team could complete at the end of the conference, this would automatically generate an email out to relevant stakeholders advising of the health check results.

I felt buoyant knowing that I could empower my staff to carry out a drawn-out process in a much shorter space of time and with greater accuracy. I learned that often the solution to an issue may not be complex, but it requires someone to simply take the time to assess the current state to see if efficiency can be driven.

Problem Solving Methods

The methods I have used most frequently so far at Dev Acadamey are in order as follows:

  • Google
  • Trial & Error
  • Reading Errors
  • Console Logging
  • Pseudocode
  • Reflection

Upon reflection, I need to start reaching out for more help from peers when I get stuck.